• 5 July 2018Version 2.3.0

    optimized page loading time reduction for some websites
    optimized white flashes reduction for particular elements of some websites
    bug fixed font color fixes for Google Sheets
    bug fixed several websites reported by users to be broken
    bug fixed the issue with the schedule feature
  • 14 August 2018Version 2.3.2

    the processing of backgrounds with repetitive images optimized
  • 8 September 2018Version 3.0.0

    new feature added scheduling feature
    new feature added Import/Export functions
    optimized changing in logic of css parsing
  • 13 October 2018Version 3.1.0

    bugs.chromium.org - dom shadow website converted bug fixed
    fixed the issue with Google Docs cursor bug fixed
    started supporting Styled Component new feature
    the experimental Color Picker feature was removed for further improvement bug fixed
    shortcuts were added new feature
    Custom shortcuts were enabled new feature
  • 5 November 2018Version 3.3.4

    optimized implemented additional logic for imported CSS files
    bug fixed the background and the post box for 4chan.org
    bug fixed the Washington Post background
    bug fixed the Wall Street Journal background
    new feature added dark scrollbars to Chrome and Chromium based browsers
    optimized Welcome screen improvement for the new users
  • 1 December 2018Version 3.3.5

    performance improvement thanks to the change in the CSS injection logic optimized
    fixed the Facebook video icons bug fixed
    new dark scrollbars added new feature
    Facebook comments widget bug fixed
  • 19 January 2019Version 3.3.6

    bug fixed adjusted the Google ads library to function well with Night Eye on twitch.tv
    optimized SVG icons on essager.com
  • 27 February 2019Version 3.3.7

    introduced optimized dark mode for Office Online new feature
    fixed the buttons for the web version of WhatsApp bug fixed
    improved the algorithm for the PDF conversion to dark mode optimized
    deep integration with youtube.com integration
    introduced optimized dark mode for LinkedIn new feature
  • 13 March 2019Version 3.3.8

    bug fixed fixed the conversion of Angular JS based websites
    integration introduced optimized dark mode for support.microsoft.com
  • 24 April 2019Version 3.3.9

    fixed iframe issues bug fixed
    fixed the logo on the web version of Google Calendar bug fixed
  • 3 May 2019Version 3.4.0

    optimized performance boost - increased the page loading speed
    bug fixed improved the style of the dark scrollbars for Chrome and Chromium based browsers
    optimized pre-deep integration optimisations
    bug fixed the way emojis are displayed on Firefox
    bug fixed started support specific CSS import for help.ubuntu.com under Firefox
  • 15 May 2019Version 3.4.1

    fixed the YouTube conversion on Edge (chromium engine) optimized
    restriction problems on Brave browser bug fixed
  • 29 May 2019Version 3.4.2

    optimized Improved the dark scrollbars
    bug fixed the way Night Eye handles reddit.com while using Brave browser
  • 13 June 2019Version 3.4.4

    added deep integration support for reddit integration
    added deep integration support for YouTube integration
  • 27 June 2019Version 3.5.0

    bug fixed issues with the web version of Google Calendar
    optimized dark mode for wordpress.com
    optimized dark mode for wikidot.com
    optimized dark mode app.asana.com
    new feature started ignoring the ports and considered domains only
  • 16 July 2019Version 3.6.0

    you can now manage the dark scrolls from the settings new feature
    you can now manage the built in dark themes from the the settings new feature
    the PDF inverting issue bug fixed
    the white images in web version of WhatsApp bug fixed
    the folder image inversion in drive.google.com bug fixed
    msn.com dark mode bug fixed
    digitec.ch dark mode bug fixed
    cinecalidad.to dark mode bug fixed
    virustotal.com dark mode optimized
    improved the design of the extension optimized
    changed the image processing default setting to disabled new feature
  • 23 July 2019Version 3.6.1

    bug fixed Chrome Web Store extension stuck at loading
    bug fixed dark mode for several websites
  • 5 August 2019Version 3.7.0

    speed improvements image processing and caching new feature
    horizontal custom scroll bug fixed
    MODX CMS save issue bug fixed
    changed the logic when visualizing the filters optimized
    deep integration arstechnica.com integration
    music.163.com optimized
  • 16 August 2019Version 3.7.1

    optimized adjusted the logic for CSS variables - foreground, background colors
    new feature adjusted the logic for parsing react styled elements
    optimized app.drift.com dark mode
    optimized epicgames.com dark mode
  • 29 August 2019Version 3.7.2

    schedule feature issue bug fixed
    google drive folder - user defined colors bug fixed
    wikipedia.com dark mode optimized
    started supporting CSS variables with dynamic values bug fixed
    openai.com dark mode optimized
    the icons on strava.com optimized
  • 18 September 2019Version 3.7.3

    bug fixed github.com (link and labels backgrounds)
    bug fixed soundcloud widget - blocking
    optimized adjusted the color conversion logic of light yellow color
    bug fixed auth0.com - content visualization problem
    bug fixed Airtable blocks conversion
    optimized adjusted the conversion logic of iFrames
    optimized analytics.google.com - administration panel icons
    bug fixed MS Edge Chromium - bing.com white boxes problem fixed
  • 22 September 2019Version 3.7.4

    craigslist.org - visited link colors in dark mode bug fixed
    github.com - the background on source code viewer bug fixed
    imdb.com - main background dark mode color bug fixed
    washingtonpost.com - logo visibility in dark mode bug fixed
    blogs.ubc.ca - adjusted the green unread colors optimized
    disabled inner iframe dark mode synchronisation on some websites optimized
  • 30 September 2019Version 3.7.5

    optimized Google Docs - fixed the flashes that occurred when typing
    bug fixed Google Docs - text underline fixed
    bug fixed Google Sheets colors adjusted
    integration Deep integration added for material-ui.com
    bug fixed regexr.com - text hightlights
    bug fixed overleaf.com - PDF preview
    bug fix mailgun.com link background
  • 10 October 2019Version 3.7.6

    Google Analytics analytics iframe issue bug fixed
    asdf-vm.com dark mode optimised optimized
    stackoverflow.com - loading flickering removed optimized
    english.stackexchange.com - background optimized optimized
    Google Sheets - formula input colors bug fixed
    YouTube - load more button bug fixed
    GitHub links colors bug fixed
  • 18 October 2019Version 3.7.7

    optimized Converting color intermediate values
  • 27 October 2019Version 3.8.0

    Images by collaborators in Google Docs breaking the dark mode bug fixed
    optimised - the parsing of external CSS optimized
    OS Color scheme integration with Night Eye (more details here) new feature
    loading CSS styles for multiple HTML tags on one page optimized
    Google Sheets - formula input colors bug fixed
    spaceweather.com dark mode bug fixed
    Firefox manual data export bug fixed
    Twitter deep integration bug fixed
    black color conversion optimized
  • 01 November 2019Version 3.8.1

    optimized improved dark mode integration with macOS Catalina
    Optimized improved UI of the Settings menu
  • 08 November 2019Version 3.8.2

    fixed '+' email symbol recognition in Safari bug fixed
    the redness that was visible on some backgrounds while in dark mode bug fixed
    inheritance CSS logic for Firefox that broke dark mode on some websites bug fixed
    studio.youtube.com dark mode optimized
    the logo visibility on pixivision.net while in dark mode optimized
    add support for websites - using Polymer Library optimized
  • 16 November 2019Version 3.8.3

    bug fixed bing.com CSS injection problem
    bug fixed docs.python.org CSS loop problem
    optimized CSS @import inheritance logic
    optimized Google Play Music elements in dark mode
    bug fixed paper.dropbox.com - content navigation in dark mode
    bug fixed tunein.com - control buttons such as play, stop and etc. in dark mode
    bug fixed PDF management for Safari
    bug fixed engadget.com dark mode for Firefox
  • 30 November 2019Version 3.8.4

    fixed '+' email symbol recognition in Safari bug fixed
    the redness that was visible on some backgrounds while in dark mode bug fixed
    inheritance CSS logic for Firefox that broke dark mode on some websites bug fixed
    studio.youtube.com dark mode optimized
    Fixed several visual elements (buttons) on paper.dropbox.com bug fixed
    Optimized the process of parsing the already injected CSS optimized
    Optimized initialisation process optimized
    Fixed readcube.com dark mode bug fixed
    Fixed Google Docs iFrame synchronization problem bug fixed
    Fixed the image background on home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php bug fixed
  • 15 December 2019Version 4.0.0

    bug fixed Fixed several small iFrame issues
    new feature Added website cache feature to increase page loading speed
    bug fixed exclude parsing of media-print-queries
    optimized mail.protonmail.com dark mode
    optimized the formula appearance at mathworld.wolfram.com
    bug fixed Built-in dark theme in Night Eye Lite
    optimized the UX in Night Eye Lite
    bug fixed iFrame issue on mangasali.co
  • 17 January 2020Version 4.0.1

    docs.python.org dark mode bug fixed
    clubmate.fi - cyan color readability optimized
    patreon.com - removed white flashes on scroll bug fixed
    bitchute.com - working properly now bug fixed
    tv.apple.com - hidden content issue solved bug fixed
  • 02 February 2020Version 4.0.2

    bug fixed web.whatsapp.com - svg icons inversion and the login via QR Code
    bug fixed to-do.microsoft.com - the background overflowing color fixed
    bug fixed docs.opencv.org - the formulas inversion solved
    bug fixed vnexpress.net - blocking loop removed
    optimized Started converting relative paths to absolute to solve the CSS import problem
    optimized Started supporting websites using ReacJS
  • 16 February 2020Version 4.0.3

    cloud.google.com - shadow elements parsing optimized
    f10.m5post.com - dark mode working now bug fixed
    irs.gov - dark mode working now bug fixed
    salesforce.com - dark mode optimized
    Google Sheets - formula bar readability bug fixed
    studio.youtube.com dark mode bug fixed
  • 03 March 2020Version 4.0.4

    bug fixed engadget.com - CSS import path problem solved
    bug fixed facebook new UI design - profile image bug fixed
    optimized analytics.google.com - optimized icons' visibility
    bug fixed piesync.com - removed white flashes on scroll
    bug fixed stackshare.io - removed white flashes on scroll
    optimized Decreased the PDF inversion from 100% to 90%
  • 26 March 2020Version 4.1.0

    Local cache per website added new feature
    Built-in dark theme controller per website added new feature
    Filter mode - contrast and brightness major issue solved bug fixed
    instagram.com - solved numerous CSS variables parsing color problems bug fixed
    atlassian JIRA - popup menu bug fixed
    evernote.com - the rich text area offset and element colors optimized
    schwab.com - background color optimized
  • 05 April 2020Version 4.1.1

    bug fixedTwitter background in dark mode
    bug fixedBrightness issue in Filter mode
    bug fixedblog.genialinvestimentos.com.br dark mode
    bug fixedblog.genialinvestimentos.com.br CSS framework problem
    bug fixedforums.somethingawful.com - import path issue solved
    bug fixedbol.com SVG background issue
    bug fixeddw.com background issue
  • 20 April 2020Version 4.1.2

    Safari compatibility optimized
    scholar.google.com dark mode bug fixed
    newswars.com - Firefox CSS problem bug fixed
    ebay.com - profile background issue bug fixed
    Asana.com - Calendar (Today highlight) bug fixed
    analytics.google.com broken CSS link bug fixed
  • 05 May 2020Version 4.1.3

    bug fixed zapier.com dark mode
    optimized started supporting Emotion JS Framework
    bug fixed startuparound.com - external CSS injection
    bug fixed app.diagrams.net (draw.io) - SVG conversion
    optimized rescuetime.com - loading time
    bug fixed roccosdonuts.square.site - variables loop
    bug fixed lingualeo.com - buttons and dialogs
    bug fixed bbc.com - DOM Shadow element
    bug fixed dl.acm.org - iFrames readability
  • 02 June 2020Version 4.2.0

    afr.com header menu background in dark mode bug fixed
    autodesk.com - unreadable titles problem solved bug fixed
    docs.google.com right navigation bar icons fixed bug fixed
    sourcemaking.com diagrams are now visible in dark mode bug fixed
    sunnah.com main background image is now properly converted optimized
    Now supporting raw.githubusercontent.com (sandbox content) optimized
    Icons and logo of fontfabric.com are now properly converted optimized
    Deep integration of epicgames.com is now available optimized
    learnsax.de header image problem solved bug fixed
  • 18 June 2020Version 4.2.1

    optimized Websites that have deep integration with us are no more counted towards the free quota
    bug fixed Facebook plugin interferring with the preferred mode
    bug fixed Text inputs in Jira Server (JEditor) are now properly converted
    optimized Fixed the broken deep integration with DuckDuckGo.com
    optimized Facebook dark mode speed optimization
    optimized Gmail dark mode speed optimization
  • 20 July 2020Version 4.2.2

    scpwiki.com dark mode bug fixed
    brasilsemmedo.com - background issue bug fixed
    bandcamp.com - subdomain profile pages bug fixed
    hsreplay.net table rows background bug fixed
    daf-yomi.com colors optimized optimized
    thenounproject.com icons conversion optimized
    vk.com video player dark theme optimized
    carandclassic.co.uk dark mode bug fixed
  • 12 August 2020Version 4.3.1

    bug fixed Vivaldi export issue
    optimized Added support for PORT differentiation
    optimized Added support for inline styles with CSS variables
    optimized Extension UX improvements
    optimized Evernote.com dark mode
    optimized Jira.com white flashes removed
    optimized Added support for editable content in iFrames
    News Gumroad marketplace integration
    News PDF dark mode on Firefox is now forbidden by the browser
  • 30 August 2020Version 4.3.2

    image conversion on drive.google.com bug fixed
    Google Search input suggestion images bug fixed
    hangouts.google.com background conversion bug fixed
    ebay.de background bug fixed
    google.calendar.com yellow color conversion optimized
    iFrame dark mode conversion optimized
    iFrame dark mode conversion without source attribute optimized
    bitchute.com deep integration added integration
    banned.video deep integration added integration
    wolt.com logo conversion bug fixed
  • 16 September 2020Version 4.3.3

    News added XML dark mode
    News stopped converting earth.google.com
    News added the option to delete your account
    bug fixed baidu.com subdomain section backgrounds fixed
    bug fixed classroom.google.com - cover photo fixed
    bug fixed spiegel.de - ad-blocker problem fixed
    optimized docs.google.com - document title blur effect removed
    optimized jamboard.google.com - painting area fixed
    optimized mathworld.wolfram.com - dark mode improvement
    optimized Google.com icon conversion optimized
    optimized nested iFrame conversion optimized
    bug fixed outlook.com - font problem fixed
    bug fixed Firefox remote CSS bug fixed
  • 02 October 2020Version 4.4.0

    to-do.live.com row background fixed bug fixed
    dr.dk - streaming problem fixed bug fixed
    vk.com/vide - the video thumbnails are now properly converted bug fixed
    stackoverflow.com - inner iFrame loop problem fixed bug fixed
    nytimes.com - video player loading overlay bug fixed bug fixed
    Download manager for Firefox is no longer breaking google.com bug fixed
    amazon.com - yellow buttons are now more visible optimized
    lifehacker.com - better dark mode experience optimized
  • 12 October 2020Version 4.4.1

    bug fixed discount screen - infinite loading
    bug fixed meyerweb.com - changing background in media query
  • 20 October 2020Version 4.4.2

    forumserver.twoplustwo.com - CSS problem fixed bug fixed
    gothamist.com - CSS variables fixed bug fixed
  • 29 October 2020Version 4.4.3

    bug fixed jalopnik.com loading fixed
    bug fixed quora.com - question preview problem fixed
    bug fixed serenade.ai - background in dark mode is fixed
    bug fixed veeam.com - css processing is now optimal
    bug fixed gerritcodereview.com - dark mode is working properly
    bug fixed fandom.com - readibility is now fixed
    bug fixed au.ambafrance.org - CSS bug appearing only for Firefox users is fixed
    optimized EmotionJS library - parsing logic optimized
    optimized the processing of background images on multiple URLs
    optimized CSS downloading for Chromium 87
    optimized nested iFrame communication
    News White flashes during the initialization on heavier websites are removed
  • 16 November 2020Version 4.4.4

    royalroad.com deep integration added Integration
    Google static images inversion problem solved bug fixed
    docs.mongodb.com - fixed the pre code sample color bug fixed
    walmart.com - small UI elements are now properly converted bug fixed
  • 12 January 2021Version 4.4.5

    Integration wabetainfo.com deep integration added
    bug fixed 91-divoc.com - chart column colors are now properly converted
    bug fixed support.atlassian.com - the hyperlinks colors are now correctly displayed
    bug fixed the player on npr.org is now properly working
    bug fixed rentjungle.com dark mode is now working properly
    optimized Improved the page loading speed on docs.rs
    optimized Improved the disabled stylesheets processing
  • 03 February 2021Version 4.4.6

    wuxiaworld.com deep integration added Integration
    oeis.org - LaTeX formulas are now properly converted bug fixed
    Google Calendar - find time selector is now visible in dark mode bug fixed
    krita.org - the background is now properly converted bug fixed
    Fixed the external CSS downloading for the subdomains in tumblr.com bug fixed
    microcenter.com - product listings are now properly converted bug fixed
    Optimized the mutation of text node with fill attribute optimized
  • 28 March 2021Version 4.5.0

    bug fixed google docs - long content
    bug fixed google sheet - color inversion
    bug fixed myfonts.com - font preview
    optimized css relative import urls
    optimized stackoverflow.com - latex and chart formulas convertion
    bug fixed virustotal.com - results panel
    bug fixed imdb.com - watchlist background
    optimized reactjs styles - data-styled
    optimized wikipedia.org formulas
    optimized finviz.com - canvas charts
  • 18 April 2021Version 4.5.1

    soundcloud.com - background on Firefox bug fixed
    docs.microsoft.com - built-in integration bug fixed
    esri.com subdomains - css import bug fixed
    esri.com subdomains - css import bug fixed
    NextJS mutator problem bug fixed
  • 04 May 2021Version 4.5.2

    bug fixed bbc.com article background
    bug fixed lowes.com - product images - remove blending mode
    bug fixed acwing.com video player visibility
    optimized XML parsing - text/xml type
  • 12 June 2021Version 4.5.3

    kizu.ru - main text color bug fixed
    roll20.net - game editor canvas inversion optimized
    asana.com - border outlines optimized
    tokopedia.com - main color bug fixed bug fixed
    cellartracker.com - optimize light gray color convertion optimized
    added custom code functionality new feature
    optimized highlighted colors optimized
    regex101.com integration
  • 08 July 2021Version 4.5.4

    bug fixed abax.cloud - iframe redirection
    bug fixed w3schools.com dark mode - code preview
    bug fixed docs.mongodb.com - hightlight text background color
    bug fixed clickhouse-driver.readthedocs.io - parsing error
    bug fixed bimmerpost.com - parsing problem
    bug fixed parcl.com - parsing problem
  • 20 August 2021Version 4.6.0

    migrate to manifest version 3 optimized
    page loading speed optimized
    bilibili.com - set visibility of video controls bug fix
  • 22 October 2021Version 4.6.1

    bug fix back to manifest v2 - Vivaldi bug in manifest v3
  • 08 September 2021Version 4.6.2

    bing.com - background bug fixed bug fix
    trial expiration notification optimized
  • 20 September 2021Version 4.6.3

    optimized fully compatible with manifest v3
  • 02 October 2021Version 4.6.4

    bigbang.si - login page not loaded bug fixed
    browser shortcut buttons for Manifest V3 bug fixed
    default value in CSS variables with rgba optimized
    tokopedia.com with css variables optimized
    workona.com - fixing bug dragging tasks bug fixed
    docs.mongodb.com - emotion CSS framework - adding style nodes bug fixed
    built-in themes list bug fixed
  • 16 October 2021Version 4.6.5

    bug fixed last.fm - play button visibility
    optimized weather.gov dark mode - implemented
    bug fixed messanger.com dark profile image - bug fixed
    bug fixed facebook.com - chat messages buttons bug fixed
    bug fixed www.hs.fi - fix broken website with properly dark version
    bug fixed news.ycombinator.com - fixing dark background on table
  • 22 October 2021Version 4.6.6

    outlook.com - increase user experience in dark mode optimized
    added option to select OLED Black or Gray Black new feature
    Gmail - category icons - left bar bug fixed
    picrew.me - attribute images - top layer bug fixed
    kizu.ru - CSS variable bug fixed
  • 26 October 2021Version 4.6.7

    bug fixed image background and icon processing
    bug fixed microsoft office - css variables
    optimized last.fm - dark mode icons
    optimized custom code feature
    optimized checking for response code of downloaded css files
    bug fixed bilibili.com - video subtitles visibility
  • 30 November 2021Version 4.7.0

    added support for wix-style css library optimized
    optimized background css rgba function with variables optimized
    optimized support for dom shadow elements optimized
    separated Google Docs by apps docs/sheets/slides feature
    fixing Google Slides - notes color bug bug fixed
    sbs.com.au - fixing background on movie page bug fixed
    baidu.com - paging flashing bug bug fixed
    optimized on Lite version - iframe processing optimized
  • 15 December 2021Version 4.7.1

    bug fixed debian.org - css order bug fixed
    optimized optimized css import recursion
    bug fixed solidjs.com - menu visibility background - bug fixed
    bug fixed airbnb.com - booking box - bug fixed
    optimized Aphrodite React JS - css optimized
    bug fixed brainly.co.id - TeX formulas bug fixed
    optimized optimzed css new node with attribute for onload
  • 19 January 2022Version 4.7.2

    added built-in integration for fonts.google.com new feature
    google spreadsheet - text input problem - bug fixed bug fixed
    baidu.com - fixing flashing screen when searching optimized
    pcmag.com - major bug fixed bug fixed
    facebook messenger - recepient message box - bug fixed bug fixed
  • 21 February 2022Version 4.7.3

    integration added built-in - web.whatsapp.com
    bug fixed phoronix.com - chart text
    optimized svg g - text and font convertions -
    bug fixed hypercolour.co.uk - player dark mode
    bug fixed bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net problem with the images
  • 13 March 2022Version 4.7.4

    css libraries processing optimized
    iCloud Notes dark mode optimized
    Firefox XML bug fixed
    recursive css imports optimized
    finn.no - fixing not processing specific css file bug fixed
    logic with reference removal of style nodes optimized
  • 07 April 2022Version 4.7.5

    bug fixed Bitbucket dark mode - fixed popup problem
    optimized Code Mirror Editor - cursor color
    bug fixed observablehq.com fixing buggy elements
    bug fixed Google Sheets dark mode - formula input cell
    optimized CSS variables with spaces in names
    optimized instagram.com - create post button - more visible
  • 20 April 2022Version 4.7.6

    myfitnesspal.com - external CSS bug fixed
    phoronix.com - chart labels not visible optimized
    openbenchmarking.org charts optimized
    bimmerpost.com - fixed conversion problem bug fixed
    openspeedtest.com - set pure inversion bug fixed
    unknowncheats.me - fixing image conversion bug fixed
    css import url generated based on baseURI optimized
  • 12 May 2022Version 4.7.7

    bug fixed search.brave.com - built-in bug website
    integration remove built-in theme support for reddit
    optimized flatex.de dark mode improvments
    bug fixed developer.mozilla.org - properly inversion of icons in tables
    optimized replacing entire DOM and reinit of our code
    bug fixed mackweldon.com iframe message redirection
    bug fixed update google sheet formula bug
    bug fixed discord.com - dark mode avatars.
  • 28 May 2022Version 4.7.8

    Bing dark mode - properly conversion bug fixed
    optimized mutation of added nodes optimized
    Attlasian Jira dark mode links optimized
    instagram.com fixing dark mode background bug fixed
  • 14 June 2022Version 4.7.9

    bug fixed fixing XML response content bug
    optimized start supporting facebook new web design
    bug fixed Google Drive Addons - iframe
    optimized ibm.com - optimized header shadow elements
    integration LinkedIn built-in dark theme implemented
    integration Reddit built-in dark theme implemented
  • 28 June 2022Version 4.7.10

    github problem bug fixed
    NORMAL mode - mutator - to add missing attribute - nighteye optimized
    replays.firestoneapp.com - iframe bug fixed bug fixed
    optimized gmail dark mode - remove ugly dark blue backgrounds optimized
  • 16 July 2022Version 4.7.11

    bug fixed trolley.co.uk - optimized icons to be visible in dark mode
    bug fixed facepunch.com - fix bug with background of the wiki
    optimized Start supporting dark mode Amazon Kindle Reader - read.amazon.com
    optimized euronews.com dark mode - optimized svg icons
    optimized remove css download optimization - local cache
  • 12 August 2022Version 4.8.0

    Jira dark mode - custom theme optimized
    Confluence dark mode - custom theme optimized
    BitBucket dark mode - custom theme optimized
    NORMAL mode - mutator - to add missing attribute - nighteye optimized
    newegg.com - product image dark mode bug fixed
    change order of injected custom code optimized
  • 02 September 2022Version 4.8.1

    optimized KhanAcademy dark mode - optmized
    bug fixed patreon.com - input background
    optimized remove built-in support for reddit.com
    bug fixed shopify iframe messaging login bug
  • 28 September 2022Version 4.8.2

    fixing problem with 'apply to all websites' bug fixed
    export/import improvements optimized
    probabilitycourse.com remove white background bug fixed
    yle.fi dark mode CSS lib bug bug fixed
    surveymonkey.com dark mode - tables - bug fixed bug fixed
  • 16 October 2022Version 4.8.3

    bug fixed patagonia.com dark mode - products
    bug fixed arstechnica.com images blending option disabled
    bug fixed eco-worthy.com disable iframe convertation
    bug fixed scp-wiki.wikidot.com remove white background
    feature add new feature - auto convertion of subdomains
    bug fixed f1tv.formula1.com dark mode player
  • 14 November 2022Version 4.8.4

    new soundcloud dark mode optimized
    CSS variable parsing optimized
    optimized websites based on Shopify dark mode optimized
    staroar.com dark background bug fixed
    ko-fi.com dark mode dom shadow bug fixed
  • 01 December 2022Version 4.8.5

    bug fixed theverge.com dark mode - hyperlinks
    bug fixed custom code with disabled option
    bug fixed google calendar dark mode - logo
    optimized optimization table row background color
    optimized LastPass extension widget dark mode
    bug fixed fixing OLED dark mode on some backgrounds
    bug fixed fixing bug in customize pages logic
    bug fixed go-review.googlesource.com - stop conversion to dark mode
  • 20 December 2022Version 4.8.6

    iOS bug fixes bug fixed
    imdb.com dark mode - disable from convertion bug fixed
    css parse variable optimized
    samsung.com dark mode color selector bug fixed
    esquerdaonline.com.br fixed black image bug fixed
    optimization Wordpress Post single image optimized
    opitimization wix dark mode website optimized
    add subdomain feature to Lite version new feature
    add support for Local PDF files optimized
    import custom css per website bug fixed
  • 20 December 2022Version 4.8.7

    optimized Azure dark mode
    bug fixed iOS bug fixes
    optimized css variable parsing optimization
    bug fixed Instagram icon problem bug fixed
    google calendar checkbox colors optimization
  • 14 January 2023Version 4.8.8

    bing chat bug fixed
    shopify webstores bug fixed
    dom shadow optimizations optimized
    calendar.google.com - checkboxes bug fixed
    lite version - websites save button bug fixed
  • 18 February 2023Version 4.9.0

    optimized google drive folder color
    bug fixed gmail dark mode, mail sending color
    optimized css variable parsing optimization
    bug fixed youtube deep integration
    new feature extension redisign
    bug fixed wikipedia logo
    new feature toggle buggon in the context menu in website
  • 10 March 2023Version 4.9.1

    gmail - paste caret bug fixed
    youtube built-in refreshing loop bug fixed
    shopify framework bug fixed
    added Jira built-in integration integration
    added Trello built-in integration integration
    Wikipedia - optimized legend colors of maps optimized
  • 30 April 2023Version 4.9.2

    optimized imdb.com movie page
    bug fixed typepad.com dark mode for all websites
    optimized wikipedia optimized legend and table colors
    bug fixed invictastores.com dark mode - major ui bug
  • 04 June 2023Version 5.0.0

    create new overview page feature
    create new settings page feature
    create new website management page feature
    update extension UI optimized
    remove background/icons processing option optimized
  • 10 July 2023Version 5.1.0

    optimized create external support page
    optimized create exteded pro page
    feature added demo page after installation
    bug fixed authentication password messages
    bug fixed gitlab.com dark mode form select
    optimized naver.com dark mode icons
    bug fixed apnews.com fully compatible dark mode
    optimized ebay dark mode buttons
  • 24 August 2023Version 5.1.1

    wikipedia buttons and maps images optimized
    trial expired popup box optimized
    leboncoin.fr - dark mode bug fixed
    regular-expressions.info added custom dark theme integration
    thesaurus.com readability background optimized
    leroymerlin.pt - product image visibility bug fixed
    alliancebernstein.com - graphs optimizations optimized
  • 10 July 2024Version 5.2.1

    youtube buttons and maps images optimized
    netflix trial expired popup box optimized
    ebay.com - dark mode bug fixed
    stackoverflow.com added custom dark theme integration
    dictionary.com readability background optimized
    amazon.com - product image visibility bug fixed
    bloomberg.com - graphs optimizations optimized
  • 10 February 2024Version 5.2.4

    script.google.com caret color issue fixed bug fixed
    codefa.st - implement built-in theme integration
    optimize algo for built-in theme enable optimized
    perplexity.ai - built-in integration integration
    facebook bug bug fixed
    openai.com optimized dark mode optimized
    improve prefers-color-scheme detection and usage in the websites optimized
    deepl.com - fixing bug bug fixed
    optimized css rgb new syntax parser optimized
    chess.com - fix board sizes issues bug fixed
    jupyter notebook in GitHub - bug fixed bug fixed
    digi.pt - bug fixed bug fixed
    investing.com dark mode optimized optimized
    roboticsandautomationnews.com dark mode logo issue fixed bug fixed
    search.brave.com - build-in theme activation issue fixed bug fixed
    miro.com dark mode implementation integration
    optimized CSS Media dynamic added rules optimized
    bizjournals.com - subpages dark mode bug fixed bug fixed
    italki.com - dark mode issue fixed bug fixed
    loadforge.com - optimized dark mode optimized