Night Eye for Chrome
Using Night Eye to view all pages in dark mode on Chrome is incredibly easy. With just a few clicks, you can transform any website into a dark-themed experience that is easy on the eyes. This is especially useful in today's world, where dark mode is becoming increasingly popular among users. In the past, dark UI was mostly preferred by the hacker community and nerds, but now the trend has shifted completely.
Thanks to recent updates like macOS Mojave and Windows 10, more and more people are opting for dark UIs. You can even compare the dark mode UIs of macOS and Windows 10 to see how they look and function. With Night Eye, you can enjoy the benefits of dark mode on any website with minimal effort. You can check the comparison between the two leading OS - macOS dark mode vs. Windows 10 and how their dark mode UI actually looks and works.
What to expect form Night Eye for Chrome?
Google Docs with dark mode

Google Drive with dark mode

Current state of Google Chrome dark mode
Update 01.03.2023
As of September 2021, Google Chrome fully supports dark mode on desktop and mobile devices. However, the exact appearance and implementation of the dark mode feature may vary depending on the operating system and version of Chrome used.
On the desktop, Google Chrome can automatically detect if your operating system is set to dark mode and adjust its appearance accordingly, or you can manually enable or disable dark mode by going to Settings > Appearance > Themes.
On mobile devices, Google Chrome's dark mode can be enabled or disabled by going to Settings > Themes and selecting Dark or Light. Note, however, that some websites may not support dark mode and may display differently when using this feature. For that use Night Eye to get dark mode for every page.
Here are fresh previews of the Chrome dark theme.
Update 22.04.2019
We're closely monitoring what Google is doing with the long waited dark UI for Chrome. With the latest Chrome Canary we can see that the dark UI is pretty much complete and it is beautiful!
You don't need to install Chrome Canary as there is an expected date of when the dark theme will be implemented on the normal Chrome browser.
It is expected to be available with Chrome version 74 which should be available on 23.04.2019.
Here are fresh previews of the Chrome dark theme.
Update 28.01.2019
Google is officially testing a dark UI for Chrome. With the latest Chrome Canary update from 21.01, the first steps towards the dark mode can be seen.
Before installing Chrome Canary, please keep in mind that this version of the popular browser can be unstable as it is mainly used for the introduction of experimental features. The browser has NOT gone through thorough testing and can be bumpy at some times.
Now, what to expect from the dark mode in the latest release of Chrome Canary
Google Chrome Canary on macOS
For the macOS users, not much has changed since the previous Canary update. If you are using macOS Mojave, Chrome will automatically switch Normal and Dark modes depending on the global settings you have.
As for now, only the top navigation bar and the Customise and control menu (the three dots) come in smooth dark colors. Downloads, History, Extensions and etc. are still in bright white colors regardless of the global macOS settings.
For Windows 10 users, things are a bit nicer. In addition to the Customise and control menu, Downloads, History, Bookmarks also come with dark colors. As most things in life don’t come easy, you need to follow few additional steps to enable the dark mode.
1. Download and Install Chrome Canary
2. Make sure to add shortcut on your desktop
3. Right click the shortcut and then Properties
4. Locate and edit Target Field. Do NOT delete the content of the field, but simply add at the very end the following string
--enable-features=WebUIDarkMode --force-dark-mode
The Best Dark Mode chrome extension
The built-in dark mode in each OS has its limits and does not affect any of the webpages you visit. Tiny minority of websites actually offer dark ui (such as Twitch and Reddit), but those can be counted as exception. Even the most popular website on the internet - Facebook can make you cry after couple of minutes starring into the bright white background.
We’ve built Night Eye to reduce the eye strain caused mainly the increasing screen time the society is experiencing and because it looks cool!
Night Eye is simple yet powerful extension for Chrome that enables dark mode on nearly any website you visit. In addition to the dark mode, it allows you to apply filters such as blue light filter or dim the whole website and completely customise your browsing experience.
It works with almost any website on the internet with the exception for local files or browser settings. Instead of simply inverting the colors, Night Eye uses smart algorithm to analyse the colors of each page and convert them to provide the best possible dark mode experience. Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, Medium, Stackoverflow and much, much more...
The extension allows you to quickly switch the three available modes
- Dark - Go into complete dark mode. All colors, small images and icons will be converted to give you the smoothest dark experience possible.
- Filtered - The websites' colors will not be changed, but you can still adjust brightness, contrast, warmth and more.
- Normal - Get back to the normal browsing experience.
The dark mode extension for chrome that offers support
Unlike the majority of the extensions on the store, Night Eye offers support to all its users. You might encounter some websites that are not properly converted, simply because not all websites are built by the most wide adopted web standards or are simply outdated. No need to panic, all you need to do is use the built-in support chat and send the url to us, we will check and fix it in no timeGreat dark theme that compliments Night Eye
If there is one dark theme that perfectly compliments Night Eye it is Material Incognito Dark Theme. It is a free theme developed by Fiddle N with nearly half of million users already.