If you never heard of eHow, well… you probably lived offline until now. No seriously, eHow is one of the most visited website on the internet and by far the most helpful resource if you need a step by step guide for anything.
The history behind eHow
eHow is a great how-to website that includes various articles and videos on a wide variety of topics. It is a fantastic source of step-by-step instructions that focuses more on print guidelines rather than videos. Courtney Rosen created this website in March 1999. At the time of its launch, eHow was the primary source of step-by-step instructions and content articles. A prominent American content company, Leaf Group, formerly known as Demand Media, acquire eHow in the year 2006. At that time, there were only 17,000 articles on the website!Moreover, it has 5.8 million monthly visitors. In 2007, Leaf Group initiated the video format for explaining the steps of a particular process along with the written articles. Two years later, this how-to website developed a mobile application so that smartphone users can easily access it. The step of introducing the mobile version was a great hit for eHow as it reaches more than one million articles and videos at that time. Talking about the awards of eHow, it won a Mashable award of Blogger’s Choice in 2008 and a New Media Award in 2010.
Who is eHow for?
eHow includes content and videos on various topics. So anyone who wants to get the instructions on how he/she can decorate the house can be an audience of this website. Moreover, people, who like fashion, personal care, along with knowing the recipes of their favorite food items, also comes in the category of its user base.What can you find on the eHow website
If you lived offline until now and never heard of eHow, well - you can literally find a step by step guide on how to do this or that. There is a guide for everything, just search for it.The best part of eHow is that freelancers create videos and articles for this website and get payment. As it employs freelance content writers to generate textual content, that is why eHow is also known as the ‘content farms’. The topics of the articles and videos cover diverse categories. Considering the content of the website, eHow includes over 170,000 videos. There is also a comment section in which users can leave comments on a particular article or video. The authority to make changes in the content is in the hands of writers who made a contract. This website covers all types of information. Whether it is about food and drink, crafts, garden, or it is about holidays, home decor, and repair or fashion and beauty, this website has it all. In short, if you want to create something or you are looking for ways to repair something, eHow can help you a lot.
Interesting facts about eHow
- Back in the year 2011, Google made some changes in its algorithms that reduces the ranking of eHow. There was an approximately 40 percent decrease in its traffic.
- A popular web search engine, Blekko, said that the content of eHow is spam. It also blocked the eHow website.
- Currently, the website visits per month of eHow is over 50 million. It has 4.8 million social followers. The DIY content of eHow is more than 1 million.
eHow dark mode is here
We have a good and a bad news. First, there is no official built in dark theme on eHow.com. However there is a way around the lack of solid dark interface.Night Eye is a browser extension that enables dark mode on nearly any website. It can be installed on all major browsers and will eliminate that bright white background for good. No more eye strain, no more blinding flashes. The smooth dark colors guarantee you will enjoy the time spent on eHow learning things.