IMDb is the best place for information related to films, tv shows, actors and pretty much anything about the movie world and beyond. You can literally spend hours and hours reading about your favorite actors, shows and even discover new ones. The problem with the website is its bright white background. There are significant number of people with visual conidiations such us photophobia that can trigger severe migraine as a result of bright white colors and flashes. Even if you don’t have such visual problems, spending more than 10-15 minutes can make your eyes watery or even cause headache.
Dark Mode - Night Eye is here to help – it can enable smooth dark mode that will help you enjoy all the movie and tv shows content on your favorite website IMDb. Before jumping to that, here is some general info about the IMDb for all that are not familiar with it.
The history of IMDb
IMDb stands for Internet Movie Database. It is one of the world's leading online database. It is an authoritative and authentic source for films, TV programs, celebrity news, and information along with video games. It also contains the information about the cast, director, crew, and plot, ratings of a film or a television program.Moreover, it also points out the positive and negative reviews of a movie so that you can be able to decide which movie you should put on your watch list. The IMDB has its roots back in the year 1990. The owner of this website is Amazon, and its CEO is Colin Needham, a renowned English entrepreneur. According to the research reports of May 2019, the Internet Movie Database includes 6 million titles and 83 million registered users in its database. Back in the year 2006, the IMDB inaugurated the Resume Subscription Service. Through this service, it facilitated the film and TV celebrities to upload their resume and their picture by paying a specific amount of fee.
Short profile of the visitors of IMDb
By making an account on this internet movie website, you can easily watch your favorite films and television episodes. You can also get to know which movies are going to release shortly. Moreover, you can rate those movies and give a review of them. In addition to this, the IMDB also lets the celebrities to post a short description of their career. It helps them a lot if they need to work in a specific field. So, we can say that the target audience of IMDB is a person who has a craze to watch shows. Its target audience also includes celebrities, casting directors, industry insiders, and fans of stars.What content can be found on IMDb
The content of this internet movie database is genuine and is accessible to all internet users. It not only highlights the information about the films and TV programs but also gives the details of the personal biographies and summaries of the cast members of the television programs. Apart from this, it also provides valuable information about current and upcoming films. For example, the premieres, trailers, tickets as well as the timings of the show. Now by using the internet movie database, you can watch the interviews of your favorite celebrities, the recent fashion events as well as award shows. In this way, this database can take you behind the scenes of a movie or a TV program. All you need to do is to become a registered user of the website. Earlier, it introduced an email interface to query the database, but after three years later of its launch, it moved to the internet under the name of Internet Movie DatabaseInteresting facts about IMDB
- IMDb has more than 250 million users per month.
- It has listed approximately 4 million TV programs and films.
- The mobile app of IMDB is becoming popular among people day by day. As of the year 2018, it has more than 150 million downloads.