makeuseof dark mode
Do you consider yourself addicted to reading MakeUseOf? The great thing about that site is they teach you how to make use of so many different things. The best part is that they break everything down in such an easy to follow manner. Even if you aren’t a tech whiz, you can quickly learn just about anything there. MakeUseOf is fun to scour the site to see if you’re teaching you how to do something you might not know you wanted to learn. Anyone who doesn’t have silicon running through their veins doesn’t understand that last sentence.

How long have you been enjoying MakeUseOf?

Some of you may have only recently discovered MakeUseOf. If so, you’re probably clicking from page to page with the type of glee you never knew was possible. Yes, glee is the right word. Every page is an opportunity to learn something new. If you’re an old-timer who has been around since 2007, it’s no surprise to you that you learn something new every day at this site. You go to MakeUseOf because you want to learn something new. You always have the biggest smile ever when MakeUseOf shows up in Google’s search results because you know that site is going to answer all the questions that you have.

MakeUseOf is excellent, but the design is a little much

It’s all about the white background. It seems that some web designers think that the white background makes everything look cleaner. The problem with the white background is, it’s so much more difficult to read. Your eyes become tired so quickly. It’s all you can do to read a couple of paragraphs without having to leave the site. Sure, you’re getting useful information, but it’s far too difficult for your eyes. You always end up leaving the site with tired, sore eyes, and it’s a shame because there’s so much to learn. It’s hard to understand why such a great site has to be so bright.

MakeUseOf doesn’t have to be so bright

Have you heard of something called dark mode? If you haven’t, it’s the best solution to your white background problems. The main problem with dark mode is, most sites don’t offer it. You’ve probably seen dark mode on your smartphone, but not on your desktop. For whatever reason, up until now, desktop computers have been far behind the curve when it comes to dark mode compared to smartphones. You can visit almost any site in dark mode on your phone and enjoy its content. Your desktop computer has been lagging behind, but all that is about to change.

Dark Mode - Night Eye turns sites like MakeUseOf into dark mode

So, you want to go to MakeUseOf, but don’t want to strain your eyes. If that describes you, then don’t worry about it. All you do is turn on Night Eye and enjoy reading all the MakeUseOf articles you want. The white background on the site will be replaced with a dark background. Your eyes won’t get sore, and you’ll be able to finish all the articles you want. You should be aware that you can use Night Eye to make quite a few sites go into dark mode, and that means you’ll be able to enjoy even more of the internet.

Install Dark Mode - Night Eye now

No credit card, no names, nothing is required - install Night Eye on your preferred browser and enjoy it completely for free for 3 months. Subsequently, you can stick with the free Lite version or subscribe for $9 per year. You can see for yourself how this dark mode browser extension can help you fight with eye strains.

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