neoteo dark mode
Spanish speaking tech enthusiasts all flock to NeoTeo to get their fill of news regarding the latest hardware and software available. The site not only talks about computers but smartphones as well. Windows and Apple users both flock to NeoTeo to get their latest fix of everything tech-related.

NeoTeo is a hidden gem in the tech world

If you’re not a native Spanish speaker, you might have never known about NeoTeo before now. If you are a native speaker, then this site is not new to you. You’ve been visiting NeoTeo for what seems like forever, and their constant tech news updates are the reason you keep coming back. Few sites have their finger on the pulse of technology the way NeoTeo does. You can visit NeoTeo every day and never read the same articles twice. Tech is always changing, and it’s a good thing that sites like NeoTeo are always on the cutting edge.

The white background is painful to the eyes

Let’s face it, NeoTeo is a great site, but the white background is so hard to take. You read a paragraph or two, and your eyes feel so tired. You’re not alone; it’s something quite a few people struggle with when they read their favorite articles at NeoTeo. It’s hard to imagine that anyone can read an entire article at NeoTeo, considering how bright white the background is.

Dark Mode - Night Eye changes the white background and makes it dark

The answer to your white background problems is something called Night Eye. What is Night Eye? You’ve probably heard about dark mode when it comes to your smartphone. You might even use dark mode with some of your favorite apps or sites. Dark mode turns white backgrounds into black backgrounds that you can see. You won’t have to keep looking away or stop reading your favorite articles. The screen will be turned dark, and that will enable you to read the article entirely.

Enjoy sites like NeoTeo and many others

Right now, you’re probably thinking of at least a dozen sites that you could visit and turn black with the help of Night Eye. Imagine for a nanosecond how your internet surfing would be different if you never had to look at white screens again. The reality is, you don’t have to dream or imagine such an internet, the future is here. You set Night Eye, and that’s all you do to turn the white screen dark. You can visit all the sites you love the most and catch up on everything you’ve been missing on NeoTeo.

Reclaim your love of reading online

There was once a time you could spend all day reading online. For whatever reason now, your eyes are so sensitive to the bright light of white sites. The solution to your sore eyes isn’t to give up reading your favorite sites. Night Eye is the easy solution to ridding yourself of those pesky white screens once and for all. Those annoying white screens will be replaced by easy to read dark backgrounds that are sure to make reading a far more enjoyable experience.

Install Dark Mode - Night Eye now

No credit card, no names, nothing is required - install Night Eye on your preferred browser and enjoy it completely for free for 3 months. Subsequently, you can stick with the free Lite version or subscribe for $9 per year. You can see for yourself how this dark mode browser extension can help you fight with eye strains.

chrome | Night Eye
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Microsoft Edge Night Eye Installer | Night Eye
safari | Night Eye
opera | Night Eye
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brave logo | Night Eye
naver whale browser | Night Eye