Table of contents
The origins of The Verge are quite interesting
The surprising origins of The Verge tell a tale of almost something straight out of Hollywood. Several people working at Engadget quit and started their own online publication. The Verge is the result of those people who decided to leave and create their own endeavors. While Engadget and The Verge are two different online publications, their similarities are striking, and it’s due to those who jumped ship to work with the new company.
Dark Mode - Night Eye makes reading The Verge easier
Does the white background of The Verge drive you nuts? Does the brightness make your eyes watery and cause them to hurt? If so, dark mode is the solution to your problems. Night Eye replaces the white background and turns it dark. After the background becomes dark, you’ll be able to read the content as you normally would. Well, like you would if the brightness weren’t an issue. It won’t be an issue when using Night Eye, and it’s one of the easiest solutions to your glaring white screen problems.
Change the white background easily with Night Eye
Night Eye users can change the background of The Verge or other sites with just a couple of clicks. Night Eye can be turned off as easily as it’s turned on if you have others who use the computer. Everyone will be able to change the background of their favorite sites when using Night Eye. Bright white screens are a thing of the past when you use Night Eye. You’re in control of the screen colors, and it’s super easy to do with Night Eye.
Don’t miss out on your favorite The Verge articles
There’s so much great content at The Verge. You learn, enjoy, and have all kinds of fun when reading your favorite site. Night Eye offers a straight forward solution to websites that are so difficult to look at. The Verge might be one of your favorite sites, but the white background makes it impossible for you to enjoy. Night Eye is the answer to your problem; hitting the back button isn’t. If other bright white sites are bothering you, Night Eye can change them too. You don’t need sunglasses to enjoy sites with white backgrounds; you only need dark mode.
There’s a world of tech waiting for you to discover it
Every day The Verge updates their site and you could be reading about what’s going on in the tech world. You aren’t because of the blaring white screen. All of that can change when you begin using Night Eye. A few clicks and gone are the white screens, and they’re replaced by an easier to read dark screen.
Install Dark Mode - Night Eye now
No credit card, no names, nothing is required - install Night Eye on your preferred browser and enjoy it completely for free for 3 months. Subsequently, you can stick with the free Lite version or subscribe for $9 per year. You can see for yourself how this dark mode browser extension can help you fight with eye strains.