Using Vimeo for long periods causes quite a bit of eye strain
What do your eyes feel like after you’ve been using Vimeo for a few hours? Do your eyes feel like someone has rubbed salt in them? Let’s be honest and say Vimeo is a great service, but their site lacks quite a bit in the design department. That white screen is murder on your eyes, and you want to scream by the time you’re done working on a video. All those hours you spent editing and uploading your videos almost feels like it was in waste when your eyes hurt as they do. You also find yourself not uploading videos as often as you should because you don’t want to feel the eye pain associated with staring at the screen.
Vimoe dark mode is the solution to your woes
What is night mode? Night model is where Vimeo’s white screen is turned black. Imagine how much easier Vimeo would be to use if you didn’t have to look at that awful white screen. You don’t have to, and the solution is something called Night Eye. You see, Night Eye enables you to turn on night mode with a few clicks. Now, everything is dark, and your eyes no longer have to suffer while looking at the white screen. The process of switching the white screen and turning it to black takes a second or two, and that’s it.
Dark Mode - Night Eye will make you so much more productive
You probably have a stack of videos waiting to be uploaded to Vimeo. Night Eye will give you your freedom back, and you’ll now be able to work on Vimeo as much as you want. The white screen at Vimeo will no longer hurt your eyes. Editing the videos for your business will soon be a snap, and you’ll notice an influx in business. It can’t be overstated how Night Eye is going to change the way you use Vimeo. Those annoying white screens and your painful blurry eyes are soon going to be a thing of the past.
Install Dark Mode - Night Eye now
No credit card, no names, nothing is required - install Night Eye on your preferred browser and enjoy it completely for free for 3 months. Subsequently, you can stick with the free Lite version or subscribe for $9 per year. You can see for yourself how this dark mode browser extension can help you fight with eye strains.