Update 18.09.2019
We are live on PH. You can find the link down bellow and at the bottom of the post we have a small gift. It is a compliment for all your support.
What is Product Hunt
Product Hunt is a wonderful place if you feel yourself as an explorer, innovator and lover of new products. It is a website that lets people find and share newly launched products (or seriously improved ones). Founded in 2013, the website has grown into a hub where nearly all new tech products are being presented. Besides the website, Product Hunt hosts meet-ups where people can meet, talk and share the love for new products.
In sum - Product Hunt is a wonderful online and offline community of product-loving enthusiasts.
We launched on PH
The day is of our launch was September 4th 2019.
What we expected? We really hoped was to get in the top 5 for the day What we got is incredible amount of positive feedback, support and constructive questions. We advise you to go and check the discussion there.
Why are we launching on Product Hunt
The whole team of Night Eye is an avid user of Product Hunt. We’ve been literally checking in the community couple of times a day for almost 2 years now. Product Hunt helps us find new products improving our productivity, our sanity and most importantly our business. Besides new products, the community there is really strong when it comes to recommending a product that you need for a specific purpose.
Overall, we are immensely thankful to the community and would like to contribute back by offering the best dark mode extension on the internet.
There are 2 other significant reasons for our launch on PH:
1. Get the word out
We would like to reach out to more people who might be interested in trying Night Eye and more importantly who might have solid feedback about the extension. As a bootstrapped startup, we believe that going out and talking to potential users is one of the strongest growth strategies. It allows to get to know our potential users and figure out what we can improve to win them as customers.
2. Constructive public discussion
Since day one, we are at your disposal on the built-in chat support. The conversations there shaped Night Eye pretty much completely. All the feedback that we receive from talking to you has been a valuable source of inspiration. In addition to the bugs and bad looking websites, we also receive ideas for new features and improvement suggestions to the current one. We would like to make the discussion open so that more people can contribute and express their opinion.
How does it work and how can you help Night Eye
Before explaining how you can help us, let’s dig into the way the website works.
How does Product Hunt work
Every day, new products are submitted and users vote and discuss them. After the end of the day, the top 6 products are announced in the daily newsletter and on the social media pages of PH. Although the Product Hunt daily ranking is based on upvotes, according to the company, this is not the only factor playing role. However, the more votes is always the better. :)
How can you help Night Eye
On the day of the launch we will announce it. If you are interested in helping us, simply follow the several steps bellow:
1. Visit our Product Hunt page and vote for us - https://www.producthunt.com/posts/night-eye
2. Follow us on Twitter
3. Join the discussion there. Tell us there what you like, what you don’t like and what features you would like to see built in the future
Pretty much that is it. We want to have a productive discussion, hear your thoughts and chat with you. We will be monitoring the discussion all day and will try to respond as much as possible.
What is in for you?
— We will be offering a discount code that will be active only 1 week and will be announced at the day of the launch. It won’t be much, but it is a way of saying thank you for using Night Eye and supporting its development
— We will be available to answer all your questions, concerns, critique and feedback.