History of the Craigslist
Craigslist is one of the leading American websites that hosts online classified advertisements on various broad categories. These categories include job postings, services, goods for sale, housing, community services and messages, discussion forums, electronic newsletter services, personals and resumes. Each of these categories has various subcategories, as well. In this way, you can easily navigate to the correct type and post an ad.
The Craigslist has its roots back in the year 1995 when Craig Newmark made an email distribution service for his friends for bringing the community together. Earlier, this platform provided its services only in the areas of San Francisco. But with time, it became the most popular website featuring other classified categories as well throughout the world. eBay is also a stakeholder of the Craigslist website as it owns approximately 25 percent of Craigslist. The good news is, at present, the Craigslist covers almost 70 countries and 700 cities all over the world.
In addition to hosting popular categories, it also includes a forums section. This section of the website provides the facility to its users for discussion on any topic.
The Target Audience of Craigslist
It is a non-commercial organization that provides an online network for public service. The overall system of this website is quite systematic and secure. It is effortless to find and place advertisements on it. Its database contains online classified ads from all over the world. So, the target audience of Craigslist can be anyone who is looking for something or would like to make an offer. It does not have limits on the age and gender of a person. Anyone who has access to the internet comes in the list of target users of the Craigslist. Through the services of Craigslist, a user can meet others in his/her community and make online transactions in real life.
Content of Craigslist website
The content of the Craigslist website offers a useful and non-commercial way to its users for connecting with other people. Craigslist also provides its users with the facility to make money by selling goods on it. For this, at first, you need to plan and research and then decide which items to sell. Collect some good pictures of the things, price them and generate an advertisement by writing a good description and headline. Craigslist makes its value by providing the hosting of online classified ads. It is due to the contributions of its users, not because of its graphics and animations.
Interesting facts about the Craigslist
*Craigslist ranks in the list of top 20 websites of the United States* Recent reports state that Craigslist has come in the category of the top 20 sites of the United States. Although it does not use any promotion, it is still leaving popular websites such as CNN, Walmart and Netflix behind. *People post millions of ads and posts in the discussion forum of Craigslist* Many people use this website due to which it gets approximately 100 million ads and 200 million posts on the forum.
Craigslist lack of dark mode can hurt your eyes
Due to its “vintage” design, spending more than 20-30 minutes on Craigslist can cause you a slight eyestrain. Especially if you have some visual disorder. There is no evidence nor rumours that dark theme will be implemented, so you are left alone to handle it. Night Eye can be of great help in this particular case. Although it works on desktop only, the extension is available on nearly any major browser. So go ahead and experience Craigslist Dark Mode now for FREE.